We have a legal duty of care for the children at the Centre. Our employment practices protect children against the likelihood of abuse at the Centre and we have a procedure for managing complaints or allegations against a member of staff. All members of staff are checked with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) on a regular basis.
Our legal duty of care also means that if we are concerned that a child may be being harmed in any way, we have a legal responsibility to report this to Social Care. We will always work very closely with you over any referrals.
The school is aware of its responsibilities under the Prevent Statutory Duty through the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2023. The duty requires schools to consider the need to safeguard children from being drawn into terrorism. Our Prevent Lead is Rachel Barnwell.
Our Designated Safeguarding Team
Rachel Barnwell
Deputy Head Teacher
Strategic Safeguarding Lead/DDSL
Central Bristol Nursery Schools
Sam Trace Jo Chambers
Assistant Head Teacher Assistant Head Teacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead Designated Safeguarding Lead
The Limes Nursery School The Limes Nursery School
Kate Ticehurst
Assistant Head Teacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Rosemary Nursery
Lucy Freeman Nicola Brinkworth
Assistant Head Teacher Assistant Head Teacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead Designated Safeguarding Lead
St Werburghs Park Nursery St Werburghs Park Nursery