Welcome to The Limes Nursery School. We are situated in the Whitehall area of Easton, next to Whitehall Primary School. The Nursery School has been open for 40 years.
We are a term time only nursery offering 15 or 30 hour child places (depending on eligibility).
We are a diverse, inclusive Nursery. We work holistically with children and families. We believe that all children have the right to the very best possible start in life and work cooperatively with families from all communities.
We have a long history of teaching children through open-ended play. We help children to
be independent, to make choices and form new relationships. Part of this is, of course,
about learning how to co-operate and follow nursery routines.
We hope that they will leave us as enthusiastic learners, confident communicators
and with a love of books and stories. We are fortunate to have a large garden
area which gives children excellent opportunities to play and explore.
Partnership with families
Our partnership with parents is a big part of our work.
You know so much about your child.
Your support and encouragement will make a big difference to their learning.
Click on the button to download our Handbook for Families
Children with SEND
Special Educational Needs
We offer an inclusive approach that enables all children to participate in activities at their own individual level and to experience success. If there are concerns that a child may have a behavioural, emotional, physical or learning difficulty we will always discuss this with you. If necessary we will together refer to specialist agencies that are available to us (e.g. Speech Therapist, Educational Psychologist; Health Visitor or Paediatrician).
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Rachel Barnwell.
We offer 15 hour free places for funded 2 year olds, 15 hour funded places for 2 year old children of
working parents and 15 or (eligible) 30 hours for 3 year olds
The core sessions are
Monday to Friday 8.45am to 11.45am or
Monday to Friday 12.30pm to 3.30pm
2 1/2 days - Monday, Tuesday 8.45am to 3.30pm and Wednesday 8.45am to 11.45am
2 1/2 days - Wednesday 12.30pm to 3.30pm and Thursday, Friday 8.45am to 3.30pm *​
After School Club
We offer after school club which is available Monday to Friday 3.30pm to 4.15pm
The cost is £6.00 per child per session
Paying Places
The above sessions are also available as paid places. Our fee is £8.00 per hour. We do not offer ad hoc sessions or alternative session times. Places are allocate in line with our admissions policy.
* We will only invoice parents who incur a charge for their child's sessions - Paying day care and afterschool club